!!GDB - GNU debugger

gdb without any arguments automatically uses a.out

C programs should be compiled with -g

To make a program produce a core file for debugging with gdb after-the-fact do:
	{{{ulimit -c unlimited}}}

{{{gdb  myProgram  [core]}}}

| run [[args]	| r |	run the program
| kill		| k |		stop program from running
| quit		| q |		exit debugger
| help         | h |
| ^C		| | 		stop / interrupt the program
| continue	| c |		continue execution
| list		| l |		show program code
| next		| n |		go over next line
| step		| s |		go into next line
| print x	| p |			print value of x
| backtrace	| bt |		show stack
| frame n	| f |		change to stack frame n
| info locals   | i lo | display local variables
| info args     | i ar | display command line arguments
| info frame    | i f | stack frame information


| break file.c:45	| b |	set breakpoint at line 45 of file.c
| break myfun		| b |	set breakpoint at beginning of myfun()
| info breakpoints	| i br |	list breakpoints
| disable 2		| |  	disable breakpoint 2
| clear XXXX		| cl | 	delete breakpoint at location XXXX
| delete nnn		| d | 	delete breakpoint number nnn