!!Unix / Linux search command utility


grep [options] regexp  [file...]


	-v	show lines that don't match instead of lines that match
	-H	print file names
	-i	ignore case
	-E      enable extended regular expressions

!Regular expressions:

	Matching characters
	.	match any character
	^	matches beginning of line
	$	matches end of line
	[abc]	matches 'a', 'b', or 'c'
	[^abc]	matches anything except 'a', 'b', or 'c'
	[a-e]	range match, same as [abcde]
	[[:x:]]	match pre-difned class of characters as follows:
	\w	same as [[:alnum:]]
	\W	same as [^[:alnum:]]

	Repeating characters
	?	preceding item matched 0 or 1 time
	*	zero or more times
	+	one or more times