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This page (revision-16) was last changed on 14-Oct-2019 05:56 by BlakeMcBride

This page was created on 02-May-2011 21:13 by UnknownAuthor

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At line 7 added 13 lines
!bash startup
|~/.bashrc|executed when a new shell is started
|~/.profile|executed when the user logs in
|/etc/profile.d/*|executed when any user logs in
Programs such as Netbeans are not able to see environment variables set in .bashrc as it is run after the environment Netbeans is started in has been constructed. Environment variables set in .profile can be seen by programs started after login.
You must logout and back in in order for changes to .profile or /etc/profile.d/*to take affect.
At line 20 changed one line
$@ all arguments
$@ all arguments (except $0)
At line 38 added 6 lines
"$@" passing all arguments to another shell or program
Use with double quotes. If you do not do it this way,
arguments with spaces will not be handled correctly.
$? return code of last executed command
At line 46 added 7 lines
$ variables do not get evaluated within single quotes.
$ variables get evaluated within double quotes.
At line 60 added 6 lines
for file in *.c; do
echo $file
At line 67 added 27 lines
!While loop with math
while [ $i -lt $m ]; do
echo $i
let i+=1
!Case statement
case $1 in
echo 1
echo 2
echo 3
echo 4
echo Unknown argument $1
At line 40 changed one line
!for loops
!For loops
At line 86 changed one line
x -gt y x gretar than y
x -gt y x greater than y
At line 88 changed one line
x -ge y x gretar than or equal to y
x -ge y x greater than or equal to y
At line 92 changed one line
if [cond] && [cond]; then
if [ cond ] && [ cond ]; then
At line 153 added 4 lines
if [ cond ] || [ cond ]; then
At line 97 changed one line
!here documents - inline input
!Here documents - inline input
At line 170 added 24 lines
!Getting user input
echo This program .....
while true; do
read -p "Is that what you with to do? " yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) break;;
[Nn]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
!Setting command line editing keyboard configuration
set -o emacs
set -o vi
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
16 14-Oct-2019 05:56 3.663 kB BlakeMcBride to previous
15 01-Aug-2016 08:43 3.56 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
14 21-Apr-2016 15:57 3.548 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
13 21-Apr-2016 15:50 3.345 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
12 21-Apr-2016 10:41 3.197 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
11 12-Apr-2016 16:21 3.195 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
10 21-Dec-2015 15:09 3.059 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
9 21-Dec-2015 10:47 3.059 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
8 06-Mar-2015 16:17 2.757 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
7 06-Mar-2015 08:56 2.756 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
6 20-Jan-2015 13:33 2.732 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
5 08-Dec-2013 11:50 2.732 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
4 20-Jul-2013 05:22 2.373 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
3 20-Jul-2013 05:01 2.293 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
2 06-Mar-2013 11:32 1.876 kB BlakeMcBride to previous | to last
1 02-May-2011 21:13 1.824 kB UnknownAuthor to last
« This page (revision-16) was last changed on 14-Oct-2019 05:56 by BlakeMcBride