!!!Arahant Technical Wiki

This wiki and its contents were created and are maintained by Blake McBride.

This Wiki contains technical notes related to the Arahant software and all software it runs under and relates to.  Please choose the topic:

[apt-get] Software package management under Ubuntu Linux

[bash] the standard command prompt batch language on the Linux OS

[CLOS] from Common Lisp

[Common Lisp]  The Common Lisp language

[ed] ed Editor

[emacs] emacs editor

[grep] Unix / Linux search command

[Java] The Java programming language

[LaTeX] The LaTeX document preparation system

[NFS] Network File System used in Linux / Unix

[PostgreSQL] PostgreSQL SQL Database Server

[RDP]  using Linux to access a Windows server via Windows' remote desktop

[SSH] Secure Shell

[SSHFS] SSH File System (mount remote drives over SSH)

[SQL] SQL Command Syntax

[tomcat] Web (J2EE) server

[Ubuntu Linux Startup Process]

[vi] VI Editor