!!!Blake McBride Technical Wiki This wiki and its contents were created and are maintained by Blake McBride. !! Some of the software written by Blake is located [here|https://github.com/blakemcbride?tab=repositories]. !! Blake's home page is located [here|http://blake.mcbride.name]. !! Please choose the topic: [apt-get] Software package management under Ubuntu Linux [bash] the standard command prompt batch language on the Linux OS [CLOS] Common Lisp Object System [Common Lisp] The Common Lisp language [ed] ed Editor [emacs] emacs editor [grep] Unix / Linux search command [Java] The Java programming language [JavaScript] The JavaScript Language [LaTeX] The LaTeX document preparation system [MM] Troff Memorandum Macros [NFS] Network File System used in Linux / Unix [PostgreSQL] PostgreSQL SQL Database Server [RDP] using Linux to access a Windows server via Windows' remote desktop [Scheme-problems] Problems with the Scheme programming language [SSH] Secure Shell [SSHFS] SSH File System (mount remote drives over SSH) [SQL] SQL Command Syntax [teco] The Teco editor [tomcat] Web (J2EE) server [Ubuntu Linux Startup Process] [vi] VI Editor